The Largos are an ancient aquatic species of enigmatic origin who thrive in the depths of the Unending Ocean and the arctic oceans to the far north of Tyria. Deadly in their dance of blades, they are silent, isolated, determined, and calculating killers. Few have ever seen them and lived to report it, therefore little is documented about their presence in Tyria, and yet these isolated and obstinate people prefer to keep it that way.Largos as a whole do not interact with land-dwellers. Withdrawn into cities deep beneath the waters, their cathedral-like enclaves, the great houses in which they dwell (which they call Tethyos Houses), are places of mystery, however in recent times these cities have been cut off by malignant entities. Because of these dark, horrifying presences, the solitary Largos have been driven closer to the surface.

Appearance and Characteristics

The Largos are aquatic humanoids generally slightly above the height of the average human and are capably lithe. They have eyes that gleam in the dark and hair ranging from opalescent white to obsidian, and large, gracefully tapered ears sensitive to the pressures and sounds of their submerged environments as well as sensory tendrils that respond to electrical activity in their environment. With faces typically masked while on the hunt, Largos possess long rows of shark-like, serrated teeth (although not all of them do; some are more prominent than others). Skin pigmentation varies from pale ivory to vibrant sapphire to obsidian black, perhaps a factor of the waters from where they hail. Where revealed, gill slits seem to be upon their necks, outer arms, outer thighs and calves (and sometimes on their cheeks as well). Most hunters adorned lamed armor of iron or bronze to protect their bodies but are flexible at the joints to allow movement. The more ceremonial among them often adorn gold and embellish in pearls and other valuables from the sea, and even diamonds gathered from volcanic depths. Their most striking feature, however, are the large, dark retral fins that protrude from their necks and backs. These add to their exceptional maneuverability in water and possess bioluminescent glands that allow for vision in low light and also allow for communication between kin. They are able to conceal the glow of their fins at will and bend light with their innate glamor such as to stalk unseen. It is up for debate if their fin coloration is related to their lineages or if it can change on a whim. Many Largos carve the emblematic design of their respective house on the dorsals of their fins, However, not all Largos appear to match the sprawling wing-like description that is characteristically present.


To consider the Largos as a sole race would be inaccurate. It would appear that the term "Largos'' not only covers the typical archetype seen by adventurers but their society as a whole, an important distinction from it being their racial name. Though the reality of them is as diverse as the changing tides, the majority encountered appear to be walking (or swimming) effigies of the great seas.Most hunters spotted are prime examples of the reef dwellers, the Kynigós in their native tongue. Typically six feet tall and the most numerous, they hail most prominently from the Houses of Rheiyos, believed to be just north of Orr in the Sea of Sorrows. These represent the evolutionary balance of the Largos, equally capable in deftness and strength but also temperament. Kynigós behavioral trends cover a wide spectrum—from diplomacy and wisdom, to cunning and ruthlessness. As they are the most experienced with the world and occupy the largest territories beneath the waters, they however also witnessed the greatest devastation and faced the most hardships. Constantly fighting for both pride and revenge, the Kynigós have seen much but share little.Another type of Largos is the Seirēn, or informally the "sirens," who mostly hail from the Houses of Hekata somewhere in the waters to the northwest of the Maguuma Wastes. Though typically slightly smaller and only marginally less physically capable than the previous type, these compensate with a primal affinity for the world around them and the innate ability to imbue unique druid-like transformative glamor into their very beings from the seas allowing them to "shapeshift" into other creatures. Due to this, a notable aspect of them is how difficult they are to record, as they may shapeshift to appear as any surrounding creature compatible to their sizes making them proficient infiltrators and spies. Seirēn usually require being submerged to disguise the transformation, but the more experienced cast mist with which to sheathe themselves in subterfuge even on land, and can change appearance in seconds. It is rumored they can imbue their voices with a touch of persuasion aether, much like the fabled call of the Siren from seafaring human lore. Seirēn trend towards the more mischievous and tricky side of Largos' personalities and can be energetic due in part to the warm, tropical waters surrounding their home, along with less natural dangers.The Alpikós appear to be more mammalian rather than amphibian in appearance and behavior, some even possessing patches of fur over their skin upon the arms and forearms, around the torso, and thighs and legs, reflective of the colder climate of the Far Shiverpeaks. Though they are one of the few populations believed to have settled in proper villages (speculation due to Jormag's presence near their territories), most hail from the Houses of Laethys and the northern oceans. These beings tower upwards to ten feet in height and are known for being large-bodied and muscular due to the colder adaptability required for the frigid waters. They possess immense physical strength not unlike the Norn, though in contrast to the Norn, the Alpikós typically are resourceful and calculating in demeanor—terse in wording, preferring action and efficiency in strikes—unwilling to exude unnecessary energy in whatever they pursue. They pride themselves in felling targets in a single devastating blow, like a crushing avalanche, then retreat slowly into the fog.Even among Largos kin, there is a debate of the origin of this next distinction or even the existence of this type as most literature has been lost. An exception to appearance typically reserved for only the Scions themselves in conversation are the magic-inclined Mageía, a progenitor of sorts, rumored to have mostly convened somewhere around the Crystal Sea (now the Crystal Desert), where the remnant enigmatic House Sellene resides. The Speakers claimed themselves to be a part of this subset. Hushed rumor speaks of entities that are difficult to observe—brilliant patterns, undefinable forms, and exotic qualities. The lesser houses surrounding Sellene described them as sagacious, studious, and intelligent, possessing forbidden knowledge, and owing their personalities to the great wealth of mysterious magic impressed into the ocean floor of the Crystal Sea.There are whispers of another type (or not a type per se but a corruption), of lost houses among the Ring of Fire Islands consisting of those who embraced defiled influences and desired to gather strength from them, thinking it foolish to ignore the advancements offered by forbidden magic. The "Nothing". (Although also a term referring to their irredeemables and exiles). These heretical, honorless Largos resembling particularly the Kynigós but of dark and twisted colorations wish neither victory nor defeat but behave like monsters, indulging in killing for the simple thrill of it. But as they have no place amongst the Largos, they are spread across the ocean into the deepest depths where they have been bathed in volatile powers. Witnesses describe them as highly deceptive and seductive in their words and powerful in ability as they try to lure undisciplined Largos away from the belief system of their purer cousins.

Racial traits and Abilities

First and foremost creatures of warfare in spite of the fluid-like grace and elegance of their bodies, the Largos dominate the Unending Ocean due to their dexterous techniques and remarkable superhuman strength, but it is with cunning that has surpassed the ages that defines the deftness of their blades, the sting of their strikes, and the potency of their magic, to which has cemented their legend. Given time and observance, a seasoned Largos can single-handedly take down entities thought to be surmountable only by small armies of trained warriors. These traits do not prohibit a Largos from learning the standard professions of Tyria, though that may be looked down upon by some sects.

**   Bladedancers of the Deep**

  • The majority of Largos pride themselves on physical feats and techniques earned without the supplementing of personal magic and have thus honed their mastery with blades into an artform. They are a people of unmatched skill, constantly seeking to perfect their skills in an ever-escalating climb towards societal reverence to their esteemed Shadowed Scions. Swords, spears, harpoons, and daggers are their preferred weapons, though tridents and greatbows are sometimes used, as they stalk and slice through their marked prey in songs of steel and vanish without a trace, taking with them proof of the kill. Due to the vigors of swimming and enduring the pressures of their submerged environments, their physical strength is unmatched towards creatures of similar size and stature while their dorsal fins grant them unparalleled speed and dexterity to perform acrobatics both in sea and on land. The innate ability to vanish from the senses makes this fact all the more deadly; a skirmish with a Largos is to know true terror.

**   Vigilance and Observation**

  • A Largos trains to watch, wait, and strike proficiently. Sometimes they declare themselves to their marks and fight openly but not always as some philosophies differ amongst the interpreted Concordat for whether or not a hunter should strike down prey by any means necessary or make obvious his superiority and how hopeless the "aptitude" is of whomever he chooses to extinguish. Nevertheless, the Largos' large ears grant them an acute ability to hear beyond that of other species and together with extrasensory nerve endings hidden in their hair can even sense the ebb of waters around them to alert them to hidden presences akin to a kind of sonar. A more skilled Largos will produce mist in the air and feel through it while on land, acting as a sort of radar while they themselves become concealed in their mists and glamor disappearing from all but the keenest of detection. Some are even known to sense motive, as magic is controlled by one's thought and will which they sense in combat akin to a kind of precognition. Perhaps it leaves credence to the Largos’s apparent stoicism, though it is common knowledge among their homes of a Largos’ ability to indulge in the current thoughts of others by prolonged, mutual eye contact, a trait considered rude when initiated by those of lower status. Creatures of lesser mental capability, such as Skritt, the Largos are able to probe the deeper memories of and even manipulate the senses.

**   Preservation and Denial**

  • Although some Largos encountered above the waves make little use of magic, akin to a symbol of pride to complete kills with lesser magic used, others simply choose not to reveal their magical secrets to land-dwellers. It is alleged that the effects of a lost Bloodstone contained in an ancient Largos cathedral, now lost to the Dark Tide of the Unending Ocean, has altered their bodies as its power seeped out and slowly transformed them over centuries to become innate conduits of magic in the form of water manipulation and obscurity. Their very gills glow with a faint aura of this "true magic" as their bodies exude a natural and invisible passive shielding, which is amplified by their armor to near impregnability (its limitation depending on the power and amount of magic of the individual Largos backing it) protecting them from toxins and other impurities in their surroundings and warding away physical blows by way of mysterious "pressures" and hardened mists. This grants them potent regenerative properties while making them difficult to kill. Some even directly assault the motor functions of the mind to “will” opponent’s strikes into ineptitude or peel away magical defenses. More proficient users enchant their weapons to control the undercurrents, quickening their strikes and bolstering their finesse. Though at least one of the great houses, House Hekata, makes full use of their kind's unique magic, resulting in disagreements among methods.

History Overview

What might be known to outsiders of the history of the Largos has been removed by blade; the Largos have purposefully kept their secrets from land-dwellers. Among their own, however, it has been drowned in darkness, crushed in calamity beneath the waters, in perchance a fated comeuppance of hubris. There is a wealth of literature in civilizations hidden away but not destroyed, while what little is known is communicated only oracularly. If one is worthy. This is but one interpretation of the legend the people speak:

Dark Exodus

It is said that from beyond the Mists came mysterious entities eons ago. Some called them Ascendants, others gods, and even others "scourges," conquerors of blood and shadow, devouring all from the depths. And some still called them The Tethyos. Whatever they were deemed, the duration of their occupancy remains unknown, but myth alleges that they were horrors of terrifyingly beautiful forms and unfathomable intellect interested in the destruction and creation of “perfected beings” secretly upon a variety of worlds. It is believed that these mysterious beings created the first of the Largos; to them, they metamorphosed an existing amphibious creature and cultivated its transformations into the firsts of a powerful and sagacious people while remaining hidden from the view of their creation and protecting their realm from shadowy invaders from the Mists that might threaten the Largos' controlled evolution.Over thousands of years, the Largos dominated the waters, their tribes quickly becoming the reigning species in Tyria’s deep, but they were not progressing beyond brutality and savagery, to the dissatisfaction of their creators. Due to this, the creators broke their own oaths to intervene, and revealed themselves to the Largos to teach and guide them. The Largos reacted with reverence and awe and learned all they could from their creators, and for a time the aquatic race flourished. With newfound insight, they constructed technological marvels and sciences in the oceanic depths, concealed from the consciousness of the more primitive species of Tyria and even the Elder Dragons themselves. Intellectual advancements flourished as well as philosophy, industrialism, and thus arrogance. Overtime as newer generations of Largos came to be, society grew suspicious of their enigmatic creator-guardians, and wild accusations of their motives began cultivating in young, inquisitive minds and culminated into hostility. At one point in prehistory, the Largos attacked their creators. Having no choice, the creators struck them down in a cataclysmic event that swallowed whole continents beneath the waves broadening the waters into the indescribable, the Unending Ocean, which is realized even in modern times as such. Sorrowed by their own massacre, the creators withdrew. It is uncertain precisely when their creators withdrew, but it is speculated that they observed this flaw of arrogance widespread among the Largos, and so deeming them a failed creation, the Largos were damned to suffer powerlessness against the Elder Dragons, of which they had foreseen.

Tainted Shadows

It is said that a spirit of bitterness resonated discreetly among the ancient Largos in confusion and longing for a second chance. All the while, they watched with critical scrutiny and silent amusement the developments and feuds of entire Tyrian civilizations since prehistoric times. As these surface races grew, so did their ignorance, and like their creators the Largos took up the burden of defending Tyria from threats unseen from the Mists. Nations and tribes warred over what the Largos found innate and fundamental to the world, belonging only to the balance of its elements. The other races killed each other in wars of magic and avarice, and in seeing this, the Largos grew impatient. And resentful. Why protect those who would simply kill each other anyway?Because of their disdain for these land-dwellers, they withdrew, wisely learning from the other races' miscalculations such as not to have those errs infiltrate their communities. Likewise, knowing then the consequence of such sins, long ago they turned to separate themselves, except to execute those of outstanding powers in the name of leveraging the magic of Tyria to prevent a Dragonrise. However, it proved inevitable. The Elder Dragons woke to consume their greed while the Largos reluctantly watched the cataclysm in isolation beneath the waves. Some of their population went disregarded by the creatures and minions of the dragons until at last their hungers were satiated and they returned to sleep. Others were consumed. In the aftermath, Tyria was left barren, and the Largos came out of hiding to seize the spoils left behind to establish their enclaves once again.In the period of recovery that followed, a group of Largos scavengers set out into the world while it was quiet, while the Forgotten and the scion of a great Dragon had not yet returned. Anomalous entropies scathed the surface and waters alike, dangerous storms that had yet to calm into normalcy. Dauntless in their curiosity of what the ruinous land-dwellers had left behind, they searched until they unearthed an unspeakable power that the dragons had missed—stones of "true magic," that which were thought to be called Bloodstones. These Largos became transformed with magic beyond the reality they knew, and came to their kin to express a portion of this discovery. To marveling eyes and glorifying voices, some accounted them as abyssal, godlike entities or different creatures entirely, and they revered them. Others scoffed the absurdity of what they viewed as embracing an affliction; but all of them explored the practicality of the Bloodstones. For hundreds of years to follow, civilization was erected around these powers, as the Largos believed they had discovered what their creators meant for them, and the powers fueled their culture facilitated by those they deemed the Scions of the Eternal. More and more became imbued, but as they did, lust grew within. When the original possessors of the true magic witnessed this, they were appalled at seeing that same greed that crazed the hearts of the other races, and they were forced to slay their own to stem the spread. Initially their attempts were secretive, but one cannot hide long from the Largos. Their kin began to shun them, and attacked them, claiming that these powers were a disease and should be left alone. In hatred, these Largos then referred to the Scions as the Tainted Ones. With a forced hand, the Scions fought back, massacring their own kin, but pained in their hearts as they began to realize the plague of lust and jealousy would be the end of peace, and so they forced themselves into shadowed exile, collapsed the civilization, and hid from their own people never to be heard from again in that time, while the Bloodstones were buried and forgotten.

The Nameless

The other races, those of old, passed away. Newer races sojourned Tyria, among them humanity and their gods, beings that tore into the ocean and rose land—now the Crystal Desert—beckoning the attention of the long-lived Largos. The waters were not spared, which is believed to have attracted strangers to the realm—the krait, creatures from the Mists obsessed with control and slavery beyond anything else ever known come to conquer the weakened Tyria. But they were not prepared for the resistance of the Largos. Perhaps inadvertently the Largos protected Tyria again, this time from the krait, and with deft blades slew their prophets and left them guideless. How quickly they had driven powerful armies into dysfunction, then departing to watch them squirm in shadow, the Largos believed themselves beyond the reach of all creatures, the apex predators of the Unending Ocean.That was until a mysterious stirring in the deep sea brought forth creatures and oddities of enormity. The Dragonrise would come again, however, inevitably cyclical. The sunken continent of Orr rose from the abyss. Undead monstrosities swarmed. A leviathan presence threatened their neighboring quaggans; shadowed by creatures called the Naga who appeared from nowhere. Still, the Largos watched, waiting for the right moment to strike this new threat. Except the appearance of a mysterious Elder Dragon in the deep sea chased these creatures away. With its appearance, the undead were driven back, and peace for a short while set into the ocean. Despite this, the Largos became suspicious of the presence of the Dragon so close to their homewaters, and schemed a way to slay it, to claim superiority upon it. Little by little, their assassins began stalking this Dragon from the shadows, seeking its subjugation, though the Dragon never seemed to fight them back and eventually fled the sea surrounding their territory venturing far south. The Largos were blinded by pride to not realize the presence of the Dragon as an omen for things to come, and it was this hubris that nearly led to their downfall, unprepared for a horror soon to follow that swallowed them in darkness.In less than fifty years came an event that would have them lose nearly all that they held dear. The Tethyos Houses, their cavernous, labyrinthine enclaves, were invaded by a twisted manifestation in the darkest bowels of Tyria. Many of the great houses of the Largos were wholly engulfed in black torment, disappearing behind a veil of obsidian ocean. In short order, the rest of their municipalities and ancient cathedrals were concealed, millennia upon millennia of history. The Dark Tide spread, and with it came creatures found in it—The Nameless. Horrors of the Unending Ocean, eldritch maws, teeth, tentacles, descriptionless nightmares that devoured all. And when all hope seemed lost, appearing from the shadows came warriors, Largos imbued with great power who did not flee, but stood instead to fight against these impossible entities. These were believed the Tainted Ones returned. They too were eaten, but not without fatally striking the horrifying beasts allowing the rest of their kin to escape. The surviving Largos separated from the veil went from having everything to having nothing. As a people driven from their homes, there was no choice but to swim in the only direction they could—away.

The Tidesworn Emergence

The Tainted Ones had never once forsaken their people. There was no time for the Largos to mourn the loss of their way of life nor honor the sacrifices of the fallen heroes and the concealing and separation of their greatest accomplishments by the Dark Tide. The krait stormed the ocean in droves, fleeing the depths but as well capitalizing on the hapless quaggans in their path. The Largos refused to be drowned by the primitive species and were forced to retreat to shallower waters. Faced with hardship and a dangerous desire for repercussion, the Largos at one time turned blades on themselves. The remaining Largos perpetuated and blamed each other for this great disgrace, a civil war hidden from the eyes of all. This bloodshed lasted for undocumented years, and it appeared that the Largos were fated to be erased by their own hands. Realizing the ironic folly of self-destruction just as the other races had done, each remaining house fell into silent seclusion to one another, and the Largos began to separate into lawless individualist factions.Yet some still endeavored to discourse despite the race’s dark history. Many would not accept they were just as vulnerable to the same flaws as the rest of the Tyrian races, and they would certainly not abide to such dishonor by suggesting their aid. And yet the Largos faced extinction. Obligated to preach the truth of Largos’ survival and the necessity of accord, a small group of elder assassins convened in secret. Violence and bloodshed increased the more the elders dawdled. They contemplated the sacrifices of the Tainted Ones as well as the “true magic” they possessed; if not for them, the Largos would have been vanquished by the Nameless, and so came to respect these saviors in the highest honor. The elders recognized them as "The Scions", then sent word across the waters of these Scions to gather other representatives of their respective houses resolving to restore the honor of their people and settle their distrust and disputes. And indeed, there were great disputes among their kind.Those of Rheiyos still viewed the cultures and customs of land-dwellers as tainted, sins that resulted in the slow destruction of the living world by way of the Dragons, and that to suggest cooperating with disastrous humans and other beings was both beneath them and asinine, condemning them in tethered fate to become targets in their time of weakness. And so they aligned not with every ideology of the Scions but instead found agreement with one they called The Harmonious. They desired to surreptitiously get rid of their outliers of both kin and alien while fronting neutrality, like bleeding them into the ocean to be consumed by opportunistic predators, and manipulate the world, not just watch it.Those of Hekata believed it was folly not to interfere in the activities of the other races in their triumphs and perils alike, and believed that the Largos could have benefitted by interacting with them, avoiding this fate by having established an alliance or trade, and seemed the most welcoming of competent outside aid. Those who would usher a new beginning to incite peace, and shrewdly reveal themselves to the appeal of the other races they would honor as the Scion known as The Humbled.Then others belonging to Laethys still believed that the flow of powers in Tyria should be embraced, and that if they are to survive and rebuild, they should do so by any means necessary, utilizing every tool and every magic in balance and without relenting, whether by deal or deception. That balance be set aside for brutality. What would save them would be their respected strength and resolve of a people, to which they would ascend their bests under the alignment of the Scion known as The Honored.

An Uncertain Future

With such divided definitions and interpretations of their pained history, it was then that the elders reminded them of the honorable sacrifices of the now esteemed Tainted Ones, a central veracity that would bind them, and that their existence had been owed to those that they had once shunned. An eternal debt embittered their spirits, but the truth realized an eventual agreement to adhere by, for service to the obedience of debt and oath, and to trust one another for the purpose of re-establishment once more. The Concordat of the Tethyos Houses or "Tethyos Compact" (a system of oath and sacrifice which is the heart of a Largos) would have to it administered a temporary amendment, the first of its kind in centuries, by the oversight of the elders. They necessitated that some challenges required peaceful resolutions, some required cunning and twisting, and some required force. Forming the Conclave of the Tidesworn and calling themselves the Heralds of the Scions, by way of splitting into separate but equal Covenants closest to their houses' shared views (who would simultaneously coordinate and spy upon one another), they would order the rule of their rebuilding society. The Covenants would be monitored by the Heralds who in turn would promote secretive appointees, "Watchers," the best and revered assassins among them, charged with keeping the distant Covenants focused on their missions and guarded their secrets, as they scattered across the waters to begin their great hunts and great reconstruction to perfect their prominence once and for all.

Cultural Overview

The first language of the Largos is "fear". Should one prove the ability to overcome this fear, respect is given, and therein worthiness of toleration. As an ancient species, Largos are highly set in their ways, and although much of their inventions and development has been captured beneath ruin and shadow in recent times, they are a stoic and opinionated people slow to change from their long-standing rites. As such, Largos pride themselves on preparedness, execution, and efficiency, preferencing exceptional control and elegant consistency in all aspects of their lives into an almost romanticized otherworldly artform. This kind of mental vigilance makes them a graceful albeit nearly emotionless, unfeeling species to outsiders, as their tasks are executed with humorless precision. They however value beauty in their craft and of each other, pursuing perfection down to the last detail. If there is any amusement to be found, it is in battle alone, typically amongst unworthy foes who dare challenge them. They have little tolerance for mistakes, or "faltered steps," and no mercy for ineptitude. The lazy and do-nothing are exiled into the ocean, and thereafter if approaching land-dwellers with their secrets, marked. Though they are loath to kill one of their own as the Largos as a whole are now believed to be few in number.Present Largos society is largely centered around reclaiming that which they have lost, seeking to recover their ways and once again set their status as watchers and balancers of the world. And their rites dictate that they slaughter indiscriminately the strongest to hone their skill for fighting back darkness to reclaim what is lost. Many of them feel that it was the folly of other species that contributed to their decline, and so hold an air of patronizing indifference, supremacy, or even revenge against other races, the degrees of which vary by individual. The surviving houses argue about their differences, too set in their ways of pride and traditionalism, but largely still adhere to the Concordat of the Tethyos Houses, a code that most all Largos live by.Status in Largos society is determined largely by proficiency in combat, where kills of powerful marks are rewarded. Nearly all Largos seen by outsiders have been on the hunt for "worthy prey." Many are seen hunting krait, and others are found hunting the remaining Risen, which are said to make for a challenging hunt, particularly Risen krait, but outliers of any species can be targets too. Largos seek hunts of the most magical potential that they are able to handle, and prefer stronger prey to hone their own abilities for readiness to any threat one might not predict or happens upon him blindly. As the status amongst warriors within society is determined by their proficiency, failure to kill a designated target is a great insult to their personal and communal honor. Likewise, it brings dishonor to fight a weak or unprepared opponent, which is seen by some as a violation of the Tethyos Compact.The easiest way to ascend in Largos society is by killing one's prey and presenting a magic-filled trophy in court to the house in which they belong, although in modern times Covenant governance fulfills this role via Arbiters. Arbiters then evaluate the potency of the magic against the hunter in question, which is then distributed and repurposed to a number of things to enhance Largos society including weapons, structures, and even the overall aura of aether surrounding Largos communities. Hunters are encouraged to hunt alone, as credit for a marked kill will be divided evenly among the hunters involved and therefore is generally frowned upon when many are involved. And a group kill to a mark is considered a violation of honor and of the Tethyos Compact. The offended have a right to subject compensation from the offenders. If no punishment is declared, then the responsibility falls on the decision of the government, to guarantee the repaid debt.Only trophies marked prior to a kill are valued. Hunters mark their prey from the shadows using magical amulets that bear the craftsmanship of the greatest Largos forgemen. From a distance, it emits a psionic signature unique to the amulet-bearer and the marked target in question which a Largos can sense, and while non-Largos cannot feel the true affect of being hexed with a mark, they describe it as a feeling of incomprehensible terror.Roughly a third of the Largos population hunt actively in this manner. Those who are not fighters, or have not renown to make the one-third percentile give value to the Largos by what they produce. Instead of trophies, workers present to a court tangible examples of their services or wares in competitive prominence, ensuring only the best are pushed to the forefront to provide for their communities any number of needs, both for the laborers of their business and for the hunters who stalk the vast shadows of the ocean. The remaining are governmental judges, socialites, or enforcers, who remain in power via accumulated evidence to their contributions and merits by reputation.


Largos thrive in all manner of climates beneath the waves, with a preference for regions far from land-dwellers. They purposefully separate themselves as such to exist almost in a completely different world, though the twisted tide has driven them out from their homes to forcibly adapt to shallower areas in recent times. They eat all manner of creatures big and small (as well as vegetables but are for the most part carnivores) but do not generally make feasts out of that which they hunt except in times of war, preferring to possess a certain level of dignity beyond the krait. For obvious reasons, a Largos does not need to drink too frequently beyond merely being submerged in water.


Largos architecture is a combination of glorious, multilayered ancient cities of gothic stone cathedrals and palace-like, labyrinthine caverns built into and channeled beneath the ocean floor or seabed. Every wall, door, furniture, and fixture look to be composed of gray or desaturated stone (typically green, blue, or violet) and sculpted to a feudal aesthetic to their underwater dwellings with a seasoned artist's finesse, then edged with decorative, luminous cursive to grant light to their abyssal depths. Spires with imbued crystals create "pressure zones" against the ocean or sea currents like underwater air pockets. Between buildings consist sculpture-lined sprawling walkways of all altitudes with steppe-like temple bridges composed of moss carpeting enclosed in black and white marble floors, stone walls, and archways; both raised over and mixed with overgrown vegetation. Giant hydrilla, azalea, and lily gardens decorate the bases of jutting coral reefs that twist organically around their structures with higher structures built upon them. Largos cities are built centered around volcanic vents beneath the ocean for warmth and the regulating of consistent temperature in their homes. The presence of heat attracts natural predators to defend their communities. Patrolling sharks and giant worms are trained to swallow up any errant trespasser.


Catering to nearly every known plant and animal of the waters, the Largos collectively have an abundance of medicines, salves, unguents, antidotes, poisons, chemicals, and concoctions, much more than most species. Their continued alchemy and scientific exploration have extended their knowledge far above most sentient beings, although they prefer natural elements instead of the improvised provisions that alchemy provides. It isn’t to say such experiments aren’t without their uses.One of the most significant technological rediscoveries of the Largos is the use of "living water" (the controlled energies of anguished spirits from innumerable drowned entities transmuted into aural water magics), which is channeled through a number of devices to generate charge in a harmless electromagical field and can be controlled by will and authority. This powers Largos communities as well as any compatible Largos device: lamps, doors, furniture, weapons and armor, their amulets used to "mark" prey, computing shrines, deep sea transportation vessels, and even automations. Much of Largos advancements have been lost to the waves, with husks of their great vessels lying weather-beaten and algae-infested on the ocean floor. The modern technology level of the Largos is not very high but simply “different,” with possessive waters spectrally mixed into lifeless stones, plant life, and earthly constructs. It is said that ancient Largos technology surpassed even the Asura.

Theology and Religion

Largely atheistic, as the significance of “Tethyos” has faded with the ages (though some houses observe reverence to enigmatic beings they claim to be their forebearers: speaking of The Sacred Triumvirate, respectively "The Honored," "The Humbled," and "The Harmonious"), the Largos either do not or no longer universally recognize gods or deities, though they have an almost zealous perspective to their own ascendance as a people and obligation to serve the Eternas and that of their Scions, "shadowed" in reference to them being purportedly unseen but felt, or that the actions of hunters will be witnessed and judged (in truth thought to have passed away according to Largos’ secretly kept knowledge), and that they are always listening. Largos carry a somewhat religious and silently fanatical viewpoint in themselves as a people and as individuals, and attribute their greatness to their communal rituals and accomplishments. They serve their oaths and believe in balance but see themselves as the keepers of that balance. This has forged an inner conflict within them as their lives are devoted to their saviors in humility in an unpayable debt, and they seek perfection in everything they do, while they simultaneously desire to ascend into dominance, striving to be the apex predators of the world with which such arrogance (in whatever manner a Largos has come to define their clouded history) led to their downfall. Some frown upon the abundant use of magic in arrogance, while others have since embraced previously forbidden magic to bolster their abilities. Despite the incorporation of deeper magics being relatively new, the Largos have quickly become masters of these disciplines."Right and wrong" as it is commonly known matters little to Largos' beliefs. What matters is whether or not one's determined course of actions elevate them as a species—towards the perceived image of their creators—or decline it. The Concordat was established as a mutually agreed upon method to advance their people, and all action is directed to this goal. The Eternas, their racial honor as individuals, is said to be judged by the Shadowed Scions when a Largos passes from this dimension to the next, and their awaiting creators will listen to the testimony of the Scions regarding a Largos by the value of their works to receive their reward. Though not all believe in this theology, most are driven to the pursuit of perfection either individually or communally regardless.

Sexuality and Family Roles

Customarily, Largos do not carry the same sharp delineation between romantic and platonic affection that many land-dwellers do. The difference between the two concepts for many Largos is grayed.Most Largos keep their emotions very close to the chest, however, unaccustomed to unearned vulnerability as it is a product of their calculating and disciplined natures for the furtherance of communal honor. When they do come to genuinely care for and love other individuals, it is a strong and meaningful bond, though may be expressed secretively in vague hints and implications of attraction rather than blatant admittance. Therefore, Largos default to a sort of demisexuality, wherein admittance of attraction comes usually as the byproduct of strong emotional bonds more often than not. Physical attraction is frequent as they are a people who are always swimming and made to be less superficially flawed due to little change in their underwater environments, though this is less spoken of as social status tends to eschew merit gained by strength alone.Sexuality is much the same as it is with many humanoid species, although the Largos cannot "crossbreed" naturally as a result of requisites of reproduction and stimulation being not present in other beings (females lay eggs as do all amphibious creatures), as well as it being considered taboo. Thus, there will never be a half-Largos or Largos-human or anything else. Their adaptability and advanced immune systems as a result of their physical prowess quickly weed out "unworthy contaminations" and that which is foreign to it, and pregnancy even among their own is a difficult achievement where only the seed of the strong essentially survive—a male must be similar to or stronger than the female in order to impregnate her—as well as the requirement of healthy waters. This makes the Largos not generally a prolific people, however despite this females can lay many eggs at a time ranging from a single egg to as many as half a dozen. Because of the consequential possibility of myriad offspring, copulation is seldom and arrangements are regulated among the Tethyos Houses, dissuading the ideas of promiscuity, though in recent times, due to the state of their territorial waters, which have become darkened thanks to Krait and nameless horrors, lesser eggs have been produced as a result.Among Concordat-aligned Largos culture, the Tethyos Houses are known to have concerns about bloodline. Mating and reproduction are typically planned and arranged, rather than a product of personal bonds. The purpose of this is to produce the strongest offspring to further the Houses’ dominance. Though this is not the case for exiles. Oath-breakers and those exiled for disavowing the Tethyos Compact widely ignore the concept of Eternas, and free love and open sex is widely practiced and even encouraged among them, making outlaw factions a considerable threatening possibility, necessitating the capture or marking of fugitives.Both males and females do similar work. Each are capably the hunters and gathers of their people as they are nurturers and caretakers. Males and females share a common ground in service occupations, martial disciplines, art, and all manners of roles. In the family, parents as a unit behave as the leader of the home, but outside of the home, it is considered honorable to care for all children within Largos territory, keeping them away from the perils of the environment beyond their homewaters as children are not yet ready to experience the harshness that is true existence. In the absence of the parental unit, children are communally raised and nurtured, every adult entitled to the well being of the child. Thus, if a child seen by an adult is harmed, and that adult does nothing to assist, he is punished. The exception to this are those of high rank (who have more important things to do). In some Largos cultures, large monumental hatcheries exist.


As the Largos are by and large an ordered people, they dedicate days to recognition, called "steps," in which some Largos adhere to preplanned ritual. Three repeating days, and one of rest are given, and sometimes a presentation to a court on the last.Tasidilae, the day of preparation, wind, and cultivation. It is common for the people to begin their first and fourth days of the week in contemplation and meditation, attuning their guidance and preparing a sound mind for the tasks ahead. Largos remember from where they have come and of their purpose so that they do not slip into guidelessness on their journey.Sestaedilae, the day of execution, heat, and revelation. The people begin their second and fifth days in reverence of the redeemed life and status that the Scions have warranted them and exalted them to be, even in spite of their self-corruption as a result of their hubris. They set out on their tasks planned during the first day. The Largos people dedicate themselves to a sound deliverance of the task that they set out to do to the best that they can, honing into an artwork their abilities with vigilance and discipline.Baedilae, the day of completion, life, and reverence. The people dedicate the third and sixth days in remembrance of the Scion's deeds, in sacrifice to both the wicked and good alike. A balance. Honorable were their ways, and honorable do the Largos strive to be. Generally, in these days, tasks are to be finished as Largos reflect on their deeds (or return home in case of a hunt), and preparations for renewal if on the third day or rest and harvest if on the sixth is given.Nhovadilae, the day of reflection, water, and restoration. The seventh day. Typically, none are to be harmed on this day unless out of great reason or offense to the Eternas. The Largos delight in the company of one another in this day and emulate peaceful, harmonious lives. Work that is done is dedicated to the courts of their respective houses or Covenant. If tasks are not finished, it is frowned upon, but not illegal, to attend a court giftless. An explanation must be given.A Largos speaking to another Largos in respect tend to use their full names. Nicknames are usually frowned upon but generally accepted in private or among close friends. They are urged not to lie and so take great caution over the specifics of what they swear fealty to, as lying reflects upon the Eternas of the Largos in question and thus the race as a whole. Among Largos who greatly differ in status, eye contact is discouraged as it is a sign of worthiness, and considered a trespass on honor to look upon another as an equal. Communication tends to be delegated until a message is brought "low enough" for the ears of the lesser to hear appropriately. If direct dialogue is to be expressed, the one of far lesser renown is expected to bow in public, or risk receiving punishment at the will of the offended.Largos recreation was and is centered around beautifying their communities in symbols of skill and vigilance and seeking perfection to their image, be it by painting their buildings with hauntingly mysterious colorations, meticulously sculpting architecture, creating music to invoke mystique, dramatic theater, or prose fantasy literature. They are very much an introverted, quiet, and artistic people who chase purity of form, as the day-to-day life of a Largos is typically spent in pursuit of something to better themselves as individuals and to dominate as a people. As peril increased in their domains, this motif has over time transformed into romanticizing martial pursuits. Largos often entertain themselves in sparring (and gladiatorial sports tournaments in the case of children), and due to their way of life surrounding societal ascendance, many are innately competitive.


Modern Largos' governance is what might be called a Kraterocratic Stratocracy (a government that reveres strength, discipline, and wisdom; and is led by a council), which is ruled by an extension of the original monarchies. In recent times, this government has become decentralized, culminating into pockets of separate but equal "Covenants,'' which are the assimilations of various like-minded Largos who align regardless of house or race to perform mutually agreed upon functions. Order is held by a group of representatives called Heralds in a council (known as the Tidesworn Conclave, or Tidesworn Court interchangeably, who each represent their respective enclave). Despite differences, these Covenants still uphold the Compact, though strive to expand these dictates into new and unprecedented territories, as dire need and survival has forced some of them to consider principles previously considered outlandish, such as the inclusion of outsiders and the use of land-dweller magic, so long as the Concordat is not violated. The Deepsworn Covenant is one such Covenant, but there are others.In the past, Largos government, though consisting of myriad views, was dominated by one of two opposing dynastic sects of the Tethyos Houses, where order was controlled by the strongest direct descendants of the Scions’ bloodlines and therefore directly tied to—and were the most blessed of—their creators. The ancient priest-kings, called The Speakers of the Devout Sect, deemed themselves and their families the sovereign "protectorate" of the Eternas, and ruled the waters in pride of strength and "brutal honesty", claiming that purity was proven through dominion over other races and to obedience to those closest to the Shadowed Scions. Dispute between subjectivisms and opposition to religious oppression led to infighting and the reign of The Observers, "secret kings" who claimed sovereignty and right was secret, in which testimony of Eternas was proven by purity in manipulating power. These Largos "humbly" uplifted communal deception and trickery and guided civilization by way of insidious sabotage beneath the waters. The vastly differing outlook and resulting discord surrounding "divine right" versus "divine secret" led to long periods of infighting which, with the rise of intellectualism, necessitated the Concordat of the Tethyos Houses. The Concordat, brought forth by The Interceders (house leaders of reverence who listened to the aches of the people), traditioned common laws surrounding the Eternas to signify mutual cooperation through societal value and security of oath, and became the central agreement in which all Largos would then adhere to for millennia to come. The houses that exist today claim to follow this rule unchanged for thousands of years (uncommonly, some are led by meritocratic monarchies), however, spiritual “contrarians” of their history, known as Whisperers, claim otherwise. And despite this blasphemy, they are tolerated for the vast amount of knowledge they retain of the Largos’ history through unscrupulous methods.The overarching doctrine that the Largos adhere to is meant to keep others in line less they fall to the same afflictions of all other races as well as continually work to restore their civilization. These are the dictates of the Tethyos Compact, in descending order of importance:

  1. We, the Honorbound, shall revere all that the Compact wills and shall carry out its fulfillment: to seek, to slaughter, to secure proof; for the Shadowed Scions are listening.

  2. We, the Honorbound, shall guard our knowledge to all eyes and ears not among us, for the Shadowed Scions are listening.

  3. We, the Honorbound, shall perform scrupulously thy house duties, if they be not contrary to Eternas, for the Shadowed Scions are listening.

  4. We, the Honorbound, shall be everywhere and always the champion of the balance against all things, for the Shadowed Scions are listening.

  5. We, the Honorbound, shall obliterate that which is declared ours and heed that which declared for another, for the Shadowed Scions are listening.

  6. We, the Honorbound, shall not recoil before our enemy, for the Shadowed Scions are listening.

  7. We, the Honorbound, shall never lie, and shall remain obedient to pledged oath, for the Shadowed Scions are listening.

  8. We, the Honorbound, shall correct debts to those which we owe, until it is done, for the Shadowed Scions are listening.

  9. We, the Honorbound, shall relentlessly make war against the dishonorable and the pitiful without cessation and without mercy, for the Shadowed Scions are listening.

  10. We, the Honorbound, shall be generous, and give largesse to our house, for the Shadowed Scions are listening.

The Covenants

The laws, cultures, locations, or any other information of the Largos are not to be communicated with any un-allied outsider, and breaking this rule results in disciplinary action to the offender and accomplices up to and including being marked for elimination and initiating an area-wide mind purge. With the exception of the aforementioned, only Largos children are exempt from Concordat dictates, which the Covenants enforce. The current list of known Covenants are as follows:The Crossed Tridents was the first Covenant to be realized by the Tidesworn Council. They are the widespread enigmatic hand of the Concordat who both police the Largos people from afar and serve as unseen bodyguards to the Conclave. Mimicking the Shadowed Scions, they mask their travel from sea to sea listening in on information of the world around them and spy on the quests of assassins ensuring no knowledge of the Largos people extends to the unworthy ears of outsiders willingly or otherwise. Should such a transgression be witnessed, both the "apostate" and recipient are cut down by unseen blades, thus ensuring secrecy and perpetuating their legend. They are also responsible for hunting down fugitives and are Covenant tax collectors.The Deepsworn Covenant is actually among the oldest Covenants of the Tidesworn Council, so named for their first oaths to find and unite their scattered kin from the deepest depths of peril. However its founders encountered the dangers of the Deep Sea and were wiped out. With the Conclave loath to admit failure in their ways against the horrors, ideas previously considered outlandish overtime became considered—if the Largos were to survive, they must embrace change. The Covenant was reintroduced in the controversial recognition of other race's merits (as surface-dwellers defeated the dragons). Led not by elders but by Heralds of youth and ambition, they were granted clemency by the Conclave in a matter of practicality and diplomacy, and honorbound to avenge the stain of failure from Largos legacy, even if it means having to assimilate outsiders and outsider influences to do so.The Crimson Tide pride themselves on fast and unparalleled efficiency, notorious for being the first in and first out of contested homewaters. So named for the bloodied waters left behind in their massacres in spite of their smaller numbers, they ward opponents away as they secure territory and legend for the rebuilding of Largos communities. Formed shortly after the fall of the Deepsworn, they are called primarily to reclaim territory from the Krait. Despite this, their weapons are powerless against the Nameless and what those horrors claim making their efforts a never-ending cycle of battle and a fight to reclaim what continues to be lost. The Crimson Tide is the closest thing to an army of the Largos, but even their coordinated strikes are a governance of calculated individuality and precision.The Ataraxia Covenant is a laboring Covenant of more traditionalist Largos who are mostly scavengers, artists, and inventors. They scour the ocean floor in search of resources, treasures, and artifacts left behind by sunken ships and deceased civilizations to clear out pollution and construct Largos communities and thus new houses. As the Largos were always a disciplined people driven by introspection and tranquility, this comes with a degree of artistic refinery. Even in the struggles of modern times, they are diligently committed to readvancing the Largos way of life, combining mysticisms and manufacturing to erect terrifyingly beautiful cathedrals and uncover ancient technologies in short order. The Covenant spearheads trade and wealth via their abundance of pearls, precious stones, coins, and other rich metals, as well as tools, weapons and armor, and inventions; and are also rumored to conduct experiments on those unfortunate to wander into their waters."The Torrent" is a prisoner/slave Covenant of the more criminally-inclined Largos assassins, or consistent violators of the Concordat, who are on the fringe of irredeemable dishonorability but have not been deemed completely unruly, and so are beholden to all others and must work themselves back into the tolerable graces of society, being effectively enslaved killers. Imprisoned in the deepest waters and hidden away, their subjugators are "allowed" to exist and have a place under the Conclave's recognition for their complete graceless savagery. They are sacrificed/called upon as a last resort (known as "unleashing the torrent") when racial survival out-dictates reputation, or when a task required is where one knows he or she won't be coming back). Highly anarchic, it is to be noted that more of the "Nothing" stem from this particular Covenant than any other. The "Torrent" are uniquely dispatched to fight against the Nameless, often in a hopeless resolution to temporarily satiate the creatures' hungers.